Virdivis: Bio-inspired Cleaning Technology

Virdivis is now in commercial production!

For more information on our new  bio-inspired clean-in-place product line Virdivis:

Virdivis graduated from the prestigious BAJ Accelerator Start-up Program. BAJ Accelerator is renowned for “accelerating the acceleration of technology” by providing high-touch relationships and an extensive network for funding and growth, business and legal support, marketing techniques, and academic partnerships. We are excited about the opportunities this program will bring and look forward to an exciting journey ahead.  For more information on the BAJ Accelerator:


People, Talent and Local Content

Dr. Beug-Deeb presented at SEOGS 2024 on ” Best Practices in Localization” and “Unleashing Suriname’s O&G Potential: Leveraging an Enterprise Development Program for Economic Growth”.

From Tech to Capitol Hill

Graduates of Georgia Tech’s George W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering thrive across an array of industries and roles, so it’s no surprise that one alumna, Elisabeth Deeb, ME 2013, M.S. MT 2015, found herself spending the past year busy with purpose in the heart of Washington D.C. as an ASME Congressional Fellow in Advanced Manufacturing.

Sponsored by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) in conjunction with the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), the Congressional Fellowship program is extremely selective; it’s more than just an opportunity for professional development, as fellows like Deeb spend 12 months in Washington providing technical expertise to lawmakers and taking an active role in shaping future policy.

For the full article on Georgia Tech’s website:


EU Food Trade Issues

European Union Food Trade Issues:  The evolving EU regulations on Maximum Residue Limits for Perfluoroalkyl Substance (PFAS) could have significant implications for emerging market suppliers and governments.

Don’t miss this opportunity to engage in a discussion to explore solutions and mitigation strategies that can be adopted with experts in the field.
Speakers include:
Welcome: Natia Mgeladze, Global Lead, IFC Food Safety and Food Loss Prevention Advisory Program
Dr. Tom Deeb, Vice President, T&M Associates
Melvin Spreij, Head, Standards and Trade Development Facility (STDF) Secretariat
Shane Sela, Senior Trade Facilitation Specialist, WBG
Moderator: Kateryna Onul, Policy Lead, IFC Food Safety and Food Loss Prevention Advisory Program

T&M Associates will be at ADIPEC 2023

Dr. Tom Deeb will be at ADIPEC 2023 from October 2 to 5, 2023,  in Abu Dhabi UAE.


For more information on ADIPEC 2023:


European Food Trade Issues

On September 21, 2023, Dr Thomas Deeb was an invited speaker for IFC’s webinar on European Food Trade Issues.  The changing EU regulations on maximum residue limits (MRLs) for Perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS)  may have impact for emerging market suppliers and governments.

US Food Faces PFAS Challenge as European Rules, Policies Expand

EU PFAS regulations will impact the exports of agricultural products. Dr. Tom Deeb was interviewed by Bloomberg Law:



ESG and Localization

Investors, regulatory agencies, and companies are focusing on  ESG in order to manage and measure sustainable long term business performance and investment potential.  Companies that can demonstrate Environmental Social Governance (ESG) performance are showing increased revenues, higher returns, and greater investment attraction.  Delivering on ESG is good for business.

The S in ESG is the social impact criteria and consists of practices that benefit the employees, consumers, suppliers, and the community.  In his article in, Shaun Doherty provides an excellent explanation on how localization programs are an effective and sustainable ESG strategy. Well designed localization programs encourage companies to invest in their employees, suppliers and communities in a way that is sustainable, good for the company’s business and deliver cost savings and a return on investment.

T&M Associates designs and helps clients implement highly successful localization programs that deliver on ESG performance.  Working together with our clients, our programs have delivered benefits to all stakeholders, from governments, to the sponsoring companies, to the local workforce and local companies (including small and medium enterprises).  These localization programs resulted in significant growth of local enterprises, as well as significant increases in meaningful local employment and workforce development.  And by delivering a positive return on investment for the sponsoring entity, the programs insured their sustainability and continued growth for many years.

For the article on ESG and Localization, please click on this link:  ISM Insights_ ESG and Localization

T&M Associates’ Onshoring Programs Build Sustainable Supply Chains

T&M Associates’ onshoring programs help our clients develop, grow, diversify, and optimize their supply chains.  Our programs are supported by proprietary systems and processes designed to meet the needs of our clients.   Digitization and data analytics are some of the tools used to provide information to make business decisions. By themselves, data analytics do not grow supply chain ecosystems.  Growing local supply chains requires hands-on experience in implementation and execution. The output of our program provides clients with a portfolio of opportunities and a list of activities targeting short-, mid- and long-term development and investment opportunities.

The success of our programs was seen during the pandemic. “We have seen a lot of plants and factories and suppliers that support Saudi Aramco from Europe, including China and other places – they had to shut down because of the lockdown. That impacted us for a while. But because of the optimum level of inventory that we have and because of our in-Kingdom total value add, which is our local content – we are at 56% so a lot of things are being manufactured in the Kingdom – it helped us a lot.” Quote by Saudi Aramco CEO Amin Nasser in Oil&Gas, June 2020.

Over the last decade, T&M Associates developed and executed the leading onshoring and in-country value addition programs, recognized by the IFC and World Petroleum Council Excellence Awards in Social Responsibility and especially our clients. Our programs have developed hundreds of supply chain ecosystems to support our clients’ industries, generated billions in new revenue for local companies, created 1000’s of new jobs, and 10’s of millions of USD in new investment.

ICV in Namibia: Creating the Vibrant Economy of the Future

The recently discovered oil and gas opportunities are a game changer for the Namibian economy. With at least 6 billion barrels of recoverable oil, Namibia is poised to become a major producer of oil and gas in the next few years and could become one of the largest producers in Africa at a million barrels per day.  The projected US $5.6 billion in annual revenue for the country is an opportunity to scale up and meet the demand for meaningful employment, manufacturing, and services.

T&M Associates’ ICV framework is a highly effective, proven, and successful alternative that creates the environment that drives local content.  Now is the perfect time for Namibia’s oil and gas industry to develop its local content strategy, framework, and policies in a way that drives future success.

For more information: TM Associates ICV for Namiba May 2023

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