2018 Committee (12 of 16 members from across the world and industry sections, 13 companies and 5 of the OTC sponsoring organizations)
OTC 2018 marked the 10th and final Next Wave program, a young professional networking and career development event. This year’s program focused on the changes in the O&G industry over the last 50 years, the technology improvements and disrupters that will come in the future, and how to manage your career as a young professional. Round table discussions included cyber security, improving products by working with software vendors, and work-life balance.
Next Wave 2018 presented 2 exciting key note speakers. Emeka Emembolu, Vice President Reservoir Development, Gulf of Mexico at BP, spoke about his career journey from his start in the UK to his postings in Alaska, and his current position in Houston. He highlighted the impact these postings had on both his career and his personal life. His career advice was to do good work and the promotions will come.
Åshlid Larsen, CIO and Senior Vice President IT for Statoil (now Equinor), spoke about technological changes in the energy industries; how O&G companies are expanding into alternative energies such as solar and wind, and on what to expect, both career-wise and technology-wise, in the next 50 years of O&G.
Elisabeth Deeb, T&M Associates Business Development Manager, attended OTC 2018 and has been active on the Communication Outreach Subcommittee of Next Wave 2018.