
Managing Localisation Programs – Is it time for a Chief Localisation Officer

In a very interesting article, SCHLÜTER GRAF Legal Consultants make the argument that for companies to survive and thrive in the ever-changing Value Add and Local Content Oil and Gas world, they will need to invest in management level human resources.  The rational for this is quite straight forward: various National Oil Companies (Aramco, ADNOC, PDO and now QP) all have specific Value Add programs, each program is different, there is no mutual recognition, the programs change over time, and it is a requirement to participate in order to do business with these oil companies or their supply chains.

Understanding the programs, how to maximize the benefit of the programs to your company, determining the strategies required for successful participation as measured by winning tenders requires a management level position to oversee the programs and compliance.  In addition, as each program is different there are specific legal and tax implications.

For the full article please download here: 181213 Managing Localisation Programs chuelter graff (1)

Post Sample 1

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2017 Annual GetEnergy Global Conference in London May 7 to 9, 2017

The T&M Associates’ booth at the 2017 Annual GetEnergy Global Conference in London May 7 to 9, 2017 showcased our offering:

  • T&M Associates designs and executes successful and sustainable in-country value addition (ICV) programs for governments and IOCs.  We maximize economic development through localization, while delivering substantial cost savings and a return on investment.
  • For more than a decade we have designed and executed workforce development programs, including SME development.
  • If your company is bidding on work in Saudi Arabia, you may be asked to provide your iktva 5-year plan.  We provide iktva training and consulting.

Dr. Maria Beug Deeb, President and CEO, as she participated as a guest panelist for   “Maximizing the contribution of local companies in the project supply chain”.

T&M Associates at the Offshore Technology Conference in Houston

Our Business Development Manager, Elisabeth Deeb, spoke to customers at the Offshore Technology Conference in Houston, on May 1 to 3, 2017:

  • If your company is bidding on work in Saudi Arabia, you may be asked to provide your iktva plan.  We provide iktva training and consulting.
  • We design and execute successful and sustainable in-country value addition (ICVA) programs for governments and IOCs.  We maximize economic development through localization, while delivering substantial cost savings and a return on investment.
  • Workforce and supplier, including SME, development programs

If you would like to set up a meeting please contact us at info@tmlaunch.com or call us at 770-754-0536

For more info on the Offshore Technology Conference: https://www.otcnet.org

In-Country Value Addition in Azerbaijan

The EDTP project was among 12 commended entries in BP’s 2012 Helios Awards from Azerbaijan Georgia Turkey in the Excellence Category for facilitating private sector growth in Azerbaijan. EDTP, during 3 years of the T&M Associates/Azerms partnership, achieved:

  • Development of a database of over 1000 local suppliers of goods and services relevant to the oil and gas industry
  • Local companies won contracts in the excess of $150 million.
  • Local suppliers increased their full time employees by over 500
  • Local suppliers increased their investment by ~ $8 million (local supplier investment dollars)
  • Demonstrated the value of local development efforts to deliver new business (spill-over effects) in the range of about $25 million that were contracts not with BP,
  • A positive ROI in less than 12 months

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Developing the Economy in Ukraine

Dr. David Ladner designed and taught courses on Health, Safety and the Environment (HSE) and on Intellectual Property for the Ukrainian chemical industry. The courses were implemented as a train-the-trainer program and were translated into Russian. The companies include state owned industries, start-ups and SMEs which manufacture a range of products from dyes, pigments, explosives and pharmaceutical ingredients.

Developing SMEs in Ukraine and Azerbaijan

Paul Dismer designed and taught courses on Sales and Marketing, as well as how to effectively respond to RFP’s issued by multinational companies in both Ukraine and Azerbaijan. Mr. Dismer also provided in-depth consulting on Quality and Traceability for the metal industry. The courses were implemented as train-the-trainer programs and were translated into native languages. The outcome of this training and follow-on supplier support was a marked increase in local companies wining significant business with BP and other multi-national companies.