Enterprise Development

People, Talent and Local Content

Dr. Beug-Deeb presented at SEOGS 2024 on ” Best Practices in Localization” and “Unleashing Suriname’s O&G Potential: Leveraging an Enterprise Development Program for Economic Growth”.

iktva in Review: Localizing Commercial Ecosystems

Since 2015, the iktva program identified not only supply chain gaps, but also significant potential business opportunities. Since 2015, iktva has achieved:

  • Creation of 180 business opportunities with a potential market demand of ~ $15B per year
  • A 50% annual growth in local SMEs
  • 94 new agreements with a combined value of $29B, resulting in 34 new local manufacturers
  • 63% local content in KSA (up from a localized-supply baseline level of 35% in 2015).

For the first time, Saudi Arabia is manufacturing flaring equipment and nonmetallic rebar and many other products and services.

“iktva is helping to create a stronger, more diversified and more resilient Saudi economy, with a fourfold rise in spend on local research and development …”

These milestones were reviewed in Aramco Elements Magazine. For the full article: https://bit.ly/3ATEJk5

and in the most recent CEO speech:  https://www.aramcolife.com/en/publications/the-arabian-sun/articles/2023/week-05-articles/speech-ceo-at-iktva-forum


BP’s EDTP in Azerbaijan Wins Another Award

From January 2010 through the end of 2012, T&M Associates worked with a local Azeri company to lead BP’s Enterprise Development and Training Program (EDTP)

  • In 2013, the program was recognized by the IFC as a best practice in Local Content Development.
  • In 2013, the EDTP program won the prestigious BP Global Helios Award.[1]
  • In 2017, the program was selected from over 100 programs as the runner up for the World Petroleum Council Excellence Awards in Social Responsibility.


[1] BP Azerbaijan Sustainability Reports 2012 and 2015

BP’s Enterprise Development and Training Program (EDTP) in Azerbaijan

From 2010 through 2012, T&M Associates worked with a local Azeri company to lead BP’s Enterprise Development and Training Program (EDTP). After 3 years, SME contracts increased to 30% of the total expenditure, hundreds of new Azeri jobs were created, and millions of dollars of new investment were made. The success of the program can be seen in the graph shown in BP Azerbaijan Sustainability Report from 2015.


After 3 years, EDTP achieved the following:

  • Local companies won contracts in the excess of $300 million.
  • Local suppliers significantly increased their full time employees
  • Local suppliers increased their investment by ~ $8 million (local supplier investment dollars)
  • Local companies also won about $25 million contracts outside of oil and gas — demonstrating the value of development to deliver new business (spill-over effect).
  • BP realized millions of dollars in savings, and a less than 12 month payback with a substantial ROI.
  • Our local partner continued to successfully operate the EDTP center independently after our involvement ended.


At T&M Associates, we take great pride in the fact that we provide sustainable In-Country Value Add (ICV) programs that continue to grow today and in the future.

T&M Associates successfully develops Small and Medium Enterprises

T&M Associates has successfully developed hundreds of local enterprises, including Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and women owned and managed SMEs. With our support, local partner SMEs have become in-country resources for the development of local and regional SMEs.  These SMEs are winning contracts, including with international oil and gas companies.

At T&M Associates, our success in achieving local content or in-country value add implementation is due to the people we work with.  Our programs are designed to create jobs, attract new investment, and develop and unleash SME potential in manufacturing and service industries. We do this in a way that brings together stakeholders from industry, government, academia, donors and NGOs and other industries.  Our programs drive success for all participants.

For more information: Read More

Developing the Economy in Ukraine and Azerbaijan

In 2010 and 2011, T&M Associates worked with local companies in Ukraine and Azerbaijan to increase their participation in the supply chains of multinational companies.  This effort was an integral part of T&M Associates’ in-country economic development programs. T&M Associates’ experts designed and taught courses and consulted on best business practices.  As part of this effort, Paul Dismer designed and taught courses on Sales and Marketing, as well as how to effectively respond to RFP’s issued by multinational companies. Mr. Dismer also provided in-depth consulting on Quality and Traceability for the metal industry.  Dr. Maria Beug-Deeb provided consulting on best business practices and market development.  Dr. Beug-Deeb also designed and taught courses on Quality Programs and Food Safety. Dr. David Ladner designed and taught courses on Health, Safety and the Environment (HSE) and on Intellectual Property. The courses were implemented as train-the-trainer programs and were translated into local languages.

The outcome of this training and follow-on supplier support was a marked increase in local companies wining significant business with multi-national companies.  By 2012, Azeri companies doubled their contract values with BP and Azeri small and medium enterprises (SMEs) realized more than a 200% increase in contracts.

Helping Local Companies Compete

Interview with Dr. Tom Deeb

In 2011, Impact Azerbaijan, Official Publication of American Chamber of Commerce In Azerbaijan, interviewed Dr. Tom Deeb.  The discussions included how the BP Enterprise Development and Training Program (EDTP) contributes to economic growth and how local companies can participate in the BP supply chain of 1 billion USD annual spend.

For the full article, please follow the link below:

Interview with Dr. Thomas Deeb, Managing Director of T&M Baku in the Official Publication of American Chamber of Commerce in Azerbaijan, Impact11, Page 4.

Meet the Buyer in Azerbaijan

In 2011, T&M Associates Baku designed the first “Meet the Buyer” event and together with Azerms hosted the event on behalf of BP’s Enterprise Development and Training Program (EDTP) . The purpose of “Meet the Buyer” was to bring together local companies and their potential customers.  Over 100 local companies presented their business services, ranging from operations support, engineering, construction, and logistics to waste management and other sectors.  Local companies also had the opportunity to informally network with potential customers and learn what is required to participate in their supply chains. More than 150 international companies and organizations participated.

Companies reported that they signed 52 new contracts and made over 300 business linkages with potential suppliers and partners as a result of the event. “Meet the Buyer” was considered so successful that it became an annual event.

For the article in Impact Azerbaijan, Official Publication Of American Chamber of Commerce in Azerbaijan, Issue 14: Read More

USACC Business and Investment Conference on Business Opportunities for America and Azerbaijan

Dr. Tom Deeb, Managing Director at T&M Associates Baku, serves as guest panelist at the 7th USACC Business and Investment Conference on Business Opportunities for America and Azerbaijan on June 3, 2011. The United States-Azerbaijan Chamber of Commerce (USACC) helps strengthen business ties in both countries for the benefit of private companies, as well as for the benefit of for the general public.

For the publication, Read More

T&M Associates partnered with Azerms LLC

In January 2010, T&M Associates partnered with Azerms LLC, a local Azerbaijani company, to successfully win the tender to manage BP’s Enterprise Development and Training Program (EDTP). T&M Associates embedded senior consultants in the local partner to provide the industrial and management experience and the interface to BP’s management.   The Enterprise Development and Training Program is a core part of BP’s long-term effort to support economic development of the local market in Azerbaijan (a local content program). The goal of EDTP is to help BP identify local companies with strong business potential and to support these companies in meeting international standards and enhancing their competitiveness. The longer term goal for EDTP is to increase the number of available local companies with which the industry in the region can call upon to supply of products and services– thereby contributing to the development of the local and regional economies. In April 2010, T&M Associates Baku opened its doors as an Azerbaijani business.  Read More